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Book Recommendations #2

We are now on to the 2nd book in our ongoing series of recommended business books.  This one is available to borrow, buy or listen to and has helped us to get started, grow and be successful. Our current website is based almost entirely on the lessons from Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller.

Storybrand on the web


Alberta Libraries

When we started on a big website update in 2020, Donald Miller’s book and Brandscript concept was exactly what we needed. As the subtitle of the book states, Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen, this helped us to focus on a clear and consistent brand message.

We now use the Brandscript we developed with this book across many of our marketing channels as well as the messages we share with current and prospective members. Over the past three years our ideal customer/member has changed as the coworking industry (and the world) has changed quite dramatically! Working through the exercises and program that are laid out in this book allowed us to fine-tune and focus on the niche we fill and identify how best to communicate this.

Since first picking up the Storybrand book, Donald Miller has published several other great books and online training and workshops. A large volume of free content and webinars are available to get your feet wet and make sure these concepts are for you too, before diving in head first!